Student Affairs


The Student Affairs Department was established to interest the student, develop his personality and refine it, by supporting and encouraging constructive student activities, helping the student to solve the problems he faces, and developing a spirit of trust between him and all departments of the Academy.

The department plays an important role linking the student body with other departments and departments in the Academy, and providing everything that would support the implementation of the activities plan that the department prepares quarterly and annually to develop students' abilities, invest their energies in cultural, social, artistic and sports fields and expand their perceptions and help them acquire useful knowledge and experiences. And get them used to social participation.

The department works to deepen the patriotism of students and urges them to work in a team spirit, use the principle of dialogue, accept the other, and deal with different circumstances. Based on the supreme interest of the homeland, confirming their belonging to their nation and their homeland and giving them the opportunity to practice activities compatible with their tendencies and talents under an official umbrella that enables them to participate in various activities inside and outside the academy, which is directly related to the strategic goals of the Academy in creating the appropriate academic environment for creativity and distinction, and the development of the academic campus, including It serves the educational process, refines the student’s personality, develops his capabilities, and gives him the spirit of initiative and creativity.

It is aimed at achieving the strategic goal of the Academy represented in providing an academic environment capable of supplying the labor market with graduates who are scientifically and practically qualified in the field of civil protection, through the projects contained in the strategic and implementation plan of the Academy in this aspect (students) and related to the duties of the Student Affairs Department.

The vision and mission of the Deanship is to develop students from all academic, professional, emotional, physical and social aspects and build good citizenship, as coordination is made by the Deanship with the various departments and departments in the Academy to achieve the desired goals.

The Vision

Reaching the building of a stimulating educational environment that has a positive impact on refining the student’s personality and developing his creative abilities. A generation of students enjoying mental, physical and mental health, by developing their abilities, stimulating their energies, and developing positive values in them.

The Message

Providing high-quality student services in the academic and extracurricular fields to create an integrated educational educational environment that works to improve student performance in the social, cultural, political, sports and entertainment fields, develop dialogue skills, methods of learning, distinction, creativity, participation in decision-makers, teamwork and community service, as well as developing national sense and enhancing Identity of loyalty and belonging in the context of providing the labor market with graduates who are scientifically and practically qualified in the field of civil protection.

The Objectives

Arab and International Students Office aims to facilitate the transactions of international students, by providing its services on time and in high quality.

And to achieve the desired goals, the bulk of our interest lies in:

  • Enhancing student loyalty and belonging by celebrating national and social events.
  • Working with civil society institutions in a participatory approach in preparing and implementing targeted programs for students.
  • Strengthening the relationship between the Academy and the local community through visiting programs and the establishment of joint activities.
  • Helping students to face the problems and challenges they face within the academy according to a constructive educational approach.
  • Developing students' cultural and social awareness.
  • Refining students 'creative talents, developing their capabilities, giving them the spirit of initiative and creativity, and contributing to preparing university youth to achieve a balanced, integrated personality, developing students' energies and talents, and employing them in the service of the academy and society.
  • Providing an appropriate environment to develop the talents and skills of students of various kinds.
  • Contribute to providing job opportunities for graduates of the Academy by opening communication channels and networking with the public and private sectors, and establishing a career day for graduates.
  • Developing and activating channels of communication and communication with students and graduates and creating an interactive environment between the student and the Academy.

Duties and tasks of the Student Affairs Department

  • Preparing sports programs and activities to develop and refine students' talents and the values of cooperation and competition in their classes, and to participate in sports activities for universities and other educational institutions.
  • Preparing cultural, artistic and social programs in support of the curriculum in order to raise the level of cultural and artistic awareness, highlight and develop talents, enhance their relationships with each other, and achieve communication with the issues of their people and the local community.
  • Helping students solve and overcome social, educational, psychological and financial problems.
  • Following up on the affairs of graduates, maintaining their communication with the Academy, and disseminating its scientific and professional message.
  • Provide students with the necessary professional guidance and help them adapt to the academic environment.
  • Providing optimal preparation and training opportunities for academy graduates in proportion to the available capabilities.
  • Taking care of the talents and creativity of students, participating in selecting promising leaders and working to improve their role.
  • Organizing students' social and entertainment trips and adhering to the special instructions.
  • Organizing student meetings with the Dean of the Academy and the relevant officials.
  • Organize and follow up student records.
  • Organizing graduation discussions at the end of each semester.
  • Receiving new students and guiding them to the academy's facilities and introducing them to its academic programs and departments.